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You had a moment of crisis in the 30 km. When did you know something was wrong and what went through your head? Something like that happens so replica Patek Philippe watches quickly that I did not know until it was actually happening. Once I got some sugar in me then I came back around and was able to finish.Do you plan to compete in the next Winter Olympics? Yes, that medal still eludes me and is something I would like to conquer.Will you change your training regime and/or nutrition, taking into account what happened in this Olympics? It is always changing anyway, depending on time of year, location, etc. I am sure we will look at the things that went wrong and try to fix them, but most importantly is still trying to find that right place with my insulin for each race.Whats next for you after Vancouver?Too early to tell. Just heading home today, and then we will see.

How’d you get your start?I got a journalism degree from UC-Boulder in 96 and thenmoved to Italy. Before leaving, I called Climbing Magazine and asked if theyneeded any news from Europe. So I became kind of a stringer for World Cup newsand the replica omega Omega Seamaster Railmaster Chronograph watches European sport-climbing scene. It built from there.2) Was writing always a passion?No. I was really into climbing and was going to get somekind of generic degree like sociology or communications in college. My dadsuggested I do journalism. That short conversation pushed me in this direction.